Okay, so getting the photos and the rockin' wedding mixes out there is taking forever, but...at least we got all our thank you cards out in decent time! I think. I hope.
Marriage is great fun so far. We love our new place and are getting a ton of use out of our many fabulous gifts! Thank you all for your generosity--and a major thank you, again, to all who CAME to the wedding! We had a fabulous time and can't wait to see you all at our 5oth anniversary!
Thanks so much to everyone who helped!
Many, many, many, many special extra sugar-coated thanks to Mom, Dad, Wendy, Nancy, Paul, Susan, Trina, the Gardbergs and Linda Clausen, Stephanie, Lauren, Sam, Greg, Johana, and Stage for providing sooooooo much above and beyond-type help in putting the whole thing together! You are AMAZING!
Here is some evidence of the thanks we owe:
Sister Nancy: getting it ready.
Lauren, Steph, and Sister Wendy: getting it ready.
Sam, Greg, and Lauren: making party favors, etc.
Sam and Greg: running pre-wedding errands with me.

Our beautiful cake. Thank you, Trina!
Getting the hair cut a few days before the wedding...
...and the crazy sisters actually came to the salon to throw me a last-minute surprise pre-wedding party!
Now for some wedding pics. You know you want it.
The photographer told us to do something cute. So, without a moment of thought, we both started to choke each other! Ah, romance.

Much of my fabulous new family.
The entire wedding party showing its charms.

Sister Wendy and Katie's Ben gettin' their groove on.

Sister Nancy and Dan.

Stage and Johana.

Me and Niece Allison, the flower girl of preciousness.

Steph's mom, Danelle, Danny, Stephanie, and Honorary Niece Chloe

Laurens' mom, Craig, Lauren, and Joe.

Me showing my butt.

Me and my Laurabelles: Remarkable Laura, an old neighbor from elementary school in Alaska + G-Laura, a good ole college buddy from Baltimore.

the Nephews.

Baby Allison and Matt.
Me and my dad. Ah.
Nephew Matt, in an awkward wedding moment, caught the garter--though he tried not to.
Me "tossing" the wedding bouquet, flower by flower directly into the hands of some very lovely single friends.

Cutting the cake. Yum.
Eating the cake.
Cheesy dancing.
Greg showing us some cheesier dancing.
Even cheesier dancing.
Could it get any cheesier than me and Sister Wendy?
Yup. Us.
The very elegant Groom's cake.
The smooch that made it all official.
Dad giving me away. How could he do this to me???
Dad, Emma, me, Mom.
Nieces and Junior bridesmaids: Nat and Amy.
Ben, Katie, me, Greg.
High school buddies: Steph, Lauren, me, Sam.
Us + minister.

The girls + Michael.

Wedding party.
Lauren making an incredibly lovely and tear-jerking toast.
Me and mom.
Jogi and me.
Me + da ladies.
Mike's mom and dad + us. I love my in-laws!
Us + my parents. I love them, too!
Everybody blowing bubbles for our exit.
Us trying to leave in a storm of bubbles.
Us. Leaving. At last.
On the way to our "honeymoon" we realized that three lovely ladies needed a ride. Michael was perfectly happy to take Cherie, Daria, and Lauren to the hotel with us!
We stopped for more photos on the way to the "honeymoon"!
The crazy, amazing carpet at the Battlehouse Hotel in Mobile...our Honeymoon locale--thanks to Johana and Stage!
The tub at the fabulous Battlehouse was so big we could swim in it!
On the super-deluxe Battlehouse balcony the morning after the wedding.
Some life post-wedding:
My class door won 3rd place out of over 70 doors at George County High School! And, yes, my 4th block class did it!
Our new home. So cozy.
Us chaperoning our first GCHS dance instead of having fun on Halloween Night.
Aaaaaah, love.
I still love and miss you all...and that is NOT a load of Scrap!
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