Went to Harper Lee's hometown yesterday and took no pictures and bought no cheese. Er? Who am I? Will do better next time, I promise.
Today I used the John Deere to mow my parents' lawn again. SOOOOOO scary. Took me two hours and I did not get to the whole lawn! If I ever grow up and have a house I will pave the lawn--or make the whole thing a pool--just to avoid having to mow. Sheesh. Okay, so, yeah, it was a little fun riding that thing.
The Alabama Board of Education interviewed me today, but there are no jobs left in Special Education anymore. Great. So, now I can take any old teaching job--but miss out on the SpEd signing bonus--or WAIT SOME MORE. I am opting to wait and do subbing/tutoring in the meantime because the signing bonus will be worth it.
Here are some photos of recent adventures...
Sister Nancy, Kym, Me. Getting crafty--woo! Wait....wrong blog??? So, I went to a crazy crafting party at Sister Nancy's Friday night. Eeeeek. We made scary (not spooky--SCARY) ornaments.
Afterward Emma and I left stalker notes on Boy Wonder's door and tried to hide, but he caught us. We are so smooth. Emma and I then had a slumber party, ate too much junk food, and watched 16 Candles (she is 16 now, see?). That girl has WAY too much energy.
Emma wants to be a super model...
Yep, I am feeling a bit nostalgic. Here is my old classroom's Quote Wall. Some of the finest thoughts ever put to paper, by some of the most loved and missed students in the world.
Spooky fun to all!
Aw man! Can't read the quotes on your wall! I have to say, though, that when I was a kid I thought inspiring quotes (at least from grown ups) were dumb, but I think the two big quotes above and below the board are awesome. I think I need to embroider them, frame them and hang them on my wall in my office. I'm not being sarcastic. Very inspiring!
Well, the rest of the quotes are pure cheese. Two meaningful quotes = my limit.
The Quote Wall reminds me of the day U and I and E stapled strips of gingham + fields of stars to your teachin' walls! Meeeemories...
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