It has been far too long since I have updated you, my friends in far-away lands, about Southern Living.
As you can see I am now officially an Alabama resident. There is no turning back now. They better just get over themselves and hire me already!
Yes, I am still struggling with the job hunt. The Alabama Board of Education has FINALLY given me the "go ahead" to shop my resume around to schools--months after I applied for Alabama state certification. Of course, since they took so long to process my application, the only remaining openings are in elementary schools--yuck. So, my choices are: wait around for someone to retire, quit, go on maternity leave, and/or die.....or just suck it up and take something in an elementary school. I am looking for ANYTHING now because I can't really afford to be picky anymore.
My advice to you: never move anywhere until you have a job lined up.
Of course you already knew that--didn't you?
The legendary Ms. Roman came to visit for a day! MOST pleasant surprise. Her sister lives about an hour away, so she dropped in, met the folks, and treated me to lunch. Super fun times were had. I still owe her a postcard....
People from Alabama are odd--in a good way. They have this whole "Boo-ing" tradition here (which I actually suspect my sister may have started because not too many folks around here have heard of it). It goes something like this: You leave a bag of treats on someone's doorstep and sneak off. Then that person hangs a ghost in their window to indicate that they were "Boo-ed" and then they have to do the same thing to someone who doesn't have a ghost in their window. I didn't fully understand the concept of Boo-ing, so I tried to "Boo" Boy Wonder by decorating his door with the help of my niece, her friends, and Stephanie. We brought faulty tape and hideous decor--as you can see.
(note the awesome Milky Way shirt)
We did this on our way to BayFest--which is the cheapest (as in thrifty) and most organized music festival I have ever been to. For $35 dollars you can get in for the entire weekend to see dozens of bands (some of which were decent big name bands). Tons of good, greasy food: every type of french fry, corn dog, and funnel cake you could possibly imagine!
We saw JOAN JETT there! She was brilliant. I want to be her when I grow up.
I certainly want to look like her when I grow up.
The Halloween Party was spooktacular. You have no idea how serious these people (AL Stephanie, Tamara, and Lorrie) are about Halloween. They impressed ME. Actually I felt ashamed by my pathetic lack of life-sized bloodied brides, grooms, butlers, dead babies, etc. as I helped them decorate a whole house with theirs! Pictures will come soon (from Stephanie)--and I hope they somewhat capture the terrifying decor and mad, crazy times of that night. I highly recommend that everyone fly down for next year's event.
And now for a special shout out to Katie and Ben who drove all the way from MEMPHIS to be there: YOU ROCK! And to Wendy and Sparky for dropping in way past their bedtime--and driving way out of their way: it really made my night to have you there! "Come here li'l bee!"
Below is my niece, Natalie, modeling what was Boy Wonder's costume for the party. Hey, he lost a bet. Yep, I beat him at pool so he had to be a pink unicorn.
Never bet your Halloween costume, guys. He was precious by the way.
Next time I will tell you about the Mullet's not what you think!
Have a SPOOKY day!
What an adorable driver's license picture! Great to read the update. We're kickin' it Bay Area style, and missing LA to death. Been an incredibly busy past several months. Finishing up the thesis, just swung by Wisconsin for a frantic week (a family wedding), and been slowly getting ourselves set up in the Pacifica homestead. Not the same w/o the ol' gang. Hope you get some luck soon on the job front, but enjoy the time off anyway. Where are you staying? You don't have rent to worry about, do you? Latuhs...
We have that "Boo-ed" thing here in Milwaukee too. Does that mean Wisconsin is as cool as Alabama? (Actually, come December, I'll bet Wisconsin is a lot more "cooler"---and snowier---than Alabama!) Now Alabama would really be cool if they hired a hip teacher like you.
P.S. Joan Jett's got NOTHING on you!
Halloween isn't the same without you. The costumes aren't as scary, the candy isn't as sweet and I just can't get my monster to mash. Sigh.
Do you know the Mullet Man?
Hey Kate. We have boo-ing here in Oregon. In fact I got caught boo-ing our neighbor--damn the complete lack of vegetation around their two flights of stairs! Maddie went and hid under the stairs. Okay so my 4.5 year-old is smarter than me...
Congrats on your residency (sounds like your a doctor). Love the pink unicorn-nice to see you're just a kookie as ever.
Love ya and keep the updates coming!
That is a really good picture. you are lucky!!
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