Fairhope, AL
May 31, 2008
And I have the world’s ugliest shirt/photos to prove it.
1/3 mile swim.
16.4 mile bike.
3.1 mile run.
2 hours and 19 minutes.
And I wasn’t last.

Boy Wonder looks all fresh and non-sweaty because he finished a tad bit before me. Show off. This is me in my sweaty, red-faced glory just after crossing the finish line...
So, on the way home I was expressing how proud I was of myself that I finished without DYING and Boy Wonder says, “So are you ready for the one in July?”
Upcoming events:
I am sooooo ready for that.
And the next day I am having my tonsils removed. I am not so ready for that.
But, yay for ice cream!
Here are some belated photos from our down-home family Easter:
This one is my favorite of me and the sisters. Wendy is clearly saying, "Take my photo already!" Nancy is clearly wondering if she should put on more lipstick while my face contortion screams "Not ANOTHER photo!" Precious. They will kill me for putting this one up.
This is the randomest all-time blog. That being said, below lies The Creature.

My mom and I have been hiding The Creature all over the house for each other to find (attempting to out-do each other each time) much in the tradition of the "I Voted" sticker that Maske and I used to hide all over the Glendale Ghetto and the unmentionable that Katie and I used to hide all over the dorm. So, I think I won when I surprised her by having the waiters at the Olive Garden put it on a cake and sing Happy Birthday to her. No, it was not her birthday. Yes, it was hilarious.

When I was looking for more memories to add to my sentimental tee-shirt quilts I found this bonnet. My mom ACTUALLY made me wear this bonnet on an Easter Sunday when I was a yoot. Yikes. That explains a lot about my love for all things cheesy.
Stephanie's Amazing Fondue Birthday Party in the Neck.

No, I do not have a teaching gig yet. Soon, my pretties. In the meantime I am the Assistant General Manager at the local Books-a-Million. Which will have to do--for now.
Congrats on the triathalon!!!!! I'm so incredibly impressed!! And I'm actually JEALOUS that you're getting your tonsils out. I hate my tonsils!! Why is that happening? Are you sick? Do you just hate your tonsils?
Might you still be coming out for Comicon?? I need my best sales person.
Enjoy the Tom Waits concert!!! I wish I could go too--you have to tell me about it! Enjoy your tonsils for one last night. Hope all goes well as they get removed. Have a great 4th weekend--eat lots of ice cream to soothe your throat! P. and I and Aiko are going canoeing this weekend. Aiko has never been before--should be interesting!
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