Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lauren is making me do this....

Soooo.....where to begin the begin? As most of you already know: I moved.

I moved much too far away from our favorite vegan bistro, but blessedly far from the 405. I moved to the land down under. No, not Australia--L.A.! No, not that LA--I moved to Lower Alabama.

Mobile, Alabama.

Now why would a nice young lady like myself up and leave all that she knows and loves for the land of flying tree roaches and unholy humidity? That's right: the ever-lovin' nieces and nephews and stupid Catholic guilt. So, here I am: jobless, penniless, terrified of trees and their inhabitants, and nearly bald (not from stress--from a bad haircut).

I gots-a-lots to tell ya about my adventures in these countrified parts...and I will as soon as I find me some DSL!

Passionate hugs and tentative kisses,


Mother Earth said...

Why you gotta diss the 405??

Glad you started the blog- I will check it everyday (no pressure.)

Miss you!

Square Deal said...

Can't wait for updates, esp. any and all things CraftiBoo (did you already decide on a costume?)...!

Square Deal said...

...although I guess costumes and the making-of = Craftiwoo turf (doi). Looking forward to 'Bama tales ♥

Mother Earth said...


Updates please!!!

Ruby said...

I miss you. What up with red tape? You are a great teacher, don't forget that! Damm it you were trained to overcome and cut through hoops and red tape at Cal State Hell LA- So don't let nothing stop you. Don't give up. I miss you, oh and one more question? Airplane food???What's up with that?????

Anonymous said...

dear sis If you don't take the monkey face off you will pay dearly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Spooky fun, KD! Your drivers lic. is awesome! Happy H'ween! -Kent