Also, I've been a bit busy looking for a new career, working two jobs, getting my life in order, hanging with the family, re-connecting with AL-Steph, catching up on some reading, and just being in love. Eeeeeew, that was sappy. Sorry. I'm gross.
Things are really great here. Seriously. I mean, yeah, I am broke as a joke but I got to play in a rectum at the Science Center's Grossology exhibit! You know yer jealous. And I only did it so you'd have a photo to tease me about. I am so giving.
Below are two photos of last year's Halloween merriment. Yes, I know it is now the end of February. Sorry. I am officially the worst and the laziest correspondent EVER.
I was lazy about the costume, too--simply wore my goth bar uniform and my old vampire teeth (thanks, Adam!)--but we weren't lazy about the decorations--and the party itself was a blast! + how cute is AL-Steph???

Still don't have a proper teaching gig due to the hiring freeze in Mobile (let's hear it for my awesome timing), but I have been subbing a lot at a local middle school. I also continue to work part time at the bookstore--and may get promoted to a manager position next month (which is better than my current situation anyway).
Since I last wrote to you I:
...watched friends make fools/superstars of themselves at Ben and Katie's Karaoke Death Match....Ben and Katie throw a great party, let me tell you! They also have an awesome house and guest room. I can't wait to visit them again.
...went to Dothan--the land of the PEANUT!

...consumed mass quantities at Thanksgiving. My first thanksgiving with my whole family since I was about 14! Apparently they have a tradition of making individual gingerbread houses with random candy bits after dinner. Boy Wonder was a good sport about this--even after the nieces and nephews smashed his house to smithereens...
...turned 34--and realized birthdays are much better when yer young and precious, like Princess Baby Allison (my Fairy God Daughter):
...attended several Christmas parties...
...had a holly jolly very merry Christmas with the family, Charlie Brown, and Boy Wonder (who hates having his photo taken and is dating the queen of photos)...
...rang in the new year...
...almost learned how to play chess. No photos to indicate who won.
...went to my first Mardi Gras ball. Major cultural experience--let me tell you. It was white tie. This means very fancy, kids. I didn't even know white tie events existed! I wore a dress I got at the thrift store in LA and felt very under-dressed.
...jog/walked my first 5k (did I say first--I have to do more now???) I almost died, but it actually was fun, and I guess I am pretty proud of myself and what not.

...and spent an entire week and a half fighting the Death Grippe (still in progress). You will never see photos of that.
Love ya bunches!